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Fachinformationen zum Lehramt für Grundschulen, Haupt-, Real-, Sekundar- und Gesamtschulen, Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen und Sonderpädagogische Förderung im Unterrichtsfach

Kunst, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


The course content mainly focusses on practical, academic and didactic themes relevant to the subject and to qualifying as a primary school teacher. Special emphasis will be given here to practical experience because it is in this area that the specific character of the teaching subject “art” can be particularly highlighted in the curriculum of all teaching subjects. Furthermore, this emphasis on practical experience not only gives students the opportunity to familiarise themselves with different forms of artistic and creative expression but also allows them to identify the educational potential that arises from practical experience which can be utilised in their future profession as a teacher.

The aim of this part of the bachelor’s degree programme is to provide students with the basic academic, artistic, practical and didactic skills necessary to embark on further study of the subject and prepare them for their subsequent transition to the teaching profession. The degree has a standard study period of 6 semesters with a workload of 39 credit points for students.

The degree programme provides students with a broad level of basic knowledge in the working processes of artistic/media practice, specialist didactics and theoretical artistic, medial and cultural principles. Artistic practice covers both traditional and also contemporary forms of expression and design. Academic theory not only provides students with knowledge and examples of traditional visual forms but also with the skills to access theoretical aspects of contemporary artistic creativity and the latest media culture.

The degree programme consists of basic modules that provide students with overarching knowledge and fundamental skills and consolidates this knowledge using practical examples in application and problem-oriented project modules.

Students must be able to demonstrate that they have the artistic aptitude for the teaching subject “art” in order to enrol on the degree programme.


Praxisphasen im Lehramt

Das Lehramtsstudium hat einen umfangreichen Praxisanteil, der Sie bereits früh mit der praktischen Arbeit als Lehrer:in vertraut macht und Sie darin unterstützt, Ihre Berufswahlentscheidung zu prüfen.
Studierende aller Lehramtsstudiengänge absolvieren die Praxisphasen während des Studiums. Das sind im Bachelor ein Eignungs- und Orientierungspraktikum sowie ein Berufsfeldpraktikum und im Master of Education das Praxissemester.
Nur für Studierende im Lehramt an Berufskollegs ist zusätzlich eine Fachpraktische Tätigkeit vorgeschrieben. Informationen finden Sie beim Landesprüfungsamt NRW.
Alle Informationen zu den Praxisphasen finden Sie auf der Website des Zentrums für Lehrer:innenbildung.